Wicked Garden

No, not the 1992 hit by the Stone Temple Pilots, but rather a smathering of produce with a New England accent that supports horrible sports teams.  When I went out to water the garden this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to find  2 huge zucchini and a yellow squash ready for picking.  We’re referring to this as the start of our garden ‘booty’.

a little balsamic and the wok will help to create a great dish for dinner

After further inspection, I counted 3 more zucchini that will be ready in the next day or so, cucumber plants with upwards of 20 blossoms, yellow squash plants with countless blossoms, at least 50 green tomatoes that will probably all ripen at the same time, butternut squash plants that are starting to spread out, and pumpkin plants that are hopeful to produce enough orange orbs to decorate every flat space we have available.

We’re hoping to mash, pulverize decoct, and freeze a lot of our ‘booty’ into tasty treats for Baby Purvis.  It feels good to know that we’ll reduce the number of small jars that will accumulate and also know exactly what is in the food our little one will enjoy (or spit up).

A great BBQ day with mom,  D&N,  and their precious little girl.  To compliment the usual BBQ grub, we had a great tossed salad with ingredients from mom’s garden and from the Colonie and Troy farmers’ markets.  No pesticides, no hormones, and no big financial burden…think everything was less than $10 between Colonie and Troy.

On a separate yet very important note, Emiley and I are very relieved that the damage at Em’s brother’s house was minimal and nobody was hurt.

Happy Fourth!!

About Jason

Always thinking....about something
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2 Responses to Wicked Garden

  1. kelly says:

    This brings back really good memories of time spent with my food processor. 😀

  2. Emiley says:

    A lot of healthy meals in our future.
    VERY thankful that my family is safe and sound!

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